Monday, January 19, 2009

And the award goes to...

I am talking about the worlds best dad. Drew, Paige, and Erica's DAD!!! We had a fun weekend just all being together the weather was beautiful a tad to warm for this time of year but it was perfect for riding bikes, playing at the park, rolling in the grass, and just basking in the sunshine (or shade as Rich did he says he is going to become a vampire skin cancer runs in the family)As I layed there watching him play w/ the kids and how each of them would take their own turn being with him. My heart grew fonder for this man. We became parents a little over six years ago and altough it seems crazy to think it took that long to have the feelings I did for him it was just
a different feeling
a good feeling.
That is why the award goes to my husband my best friend the father of our three children. You deserve it!!!

More to come about the party and the direction it will be taking. Stay tuned...

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